Monday, January 14, 2013

(24Day) Oven Roast Chicken

I have photos of meals I wanted to post since March of 2012 but my families life was changed forever that month with AdvoCare and followed with the months to come, so I have forgotten all about these recipes but I am making time now to share with all my friends because I feel its important. We have been vegetarian as of March, so majority of these recipes were from before that change, and this is one of them; I still prepare this just of course without the chicken ;)

I apologize now for not having photos of each step for this one-


Chicken Breast (however many you need or can fit into the pan)
1 Sweet Potato 
2 Celery sticks
Sliced Onion (less than half an onion)
Several baby Carrots 
1 Lemon 
Salt & Pepper
Dill Weed or Rosemary, Basil or Oregano whatever you have in the cupboard basically 

Preheat oven to 400 

Spray cooking oil or add olive oil to the pyrex pan (I use a paper towel to spread or coat it evenly)

Chop up celery, sweet potato, carrots, onion and set aside.

Defrost or prepare your chicken however you normally would, I used to cut into the chicken to allow the juices to be absorbed to add more flavor. 

Place chicken in the pan and arrange the celery, sweet potato, carrots, and onion on the sides of the chicken.

Cut a lemon and squeeze the juices of one half over the ingredients and make slices from the other lemon half (do not place them on the chicken yet!) 

Add Salt and Pepper and other seasoning then place the lemon slices over the chicken. Place aluminum over the pan and roast for 40min or till you see the juices bubbling, cut into the chicken once removed to make sure it is thoroughly cooked.

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